Saturday, December 4, 2010

Were the Wise Men from China?

So asks this article by Michelle Healey in USA Today. Thanks, Michelle!!

And do be sure to take a look at the readers' comments. :)


  1. I found something interesting. The article in USA today helped back up some of my research.

    Well, just like my other pieces I accidentally stumbled onto this. I was fine with what our legends told. Then I started with a simple navigation check.

    Because of the Star of Bethlehem was pretty much a fixed point, only those on the same Latitude would see the exact same sky.

    Bethelehem sits at 31/42’11d N x 35/11’44d E so I started looking east from that point for capital cities that Wise Men would come from, from the East.

    There were a lot of cities, but no Capitals until I came across Xi’an, the ancient Capital of China which sits at 34/16’N x 108/54’E. At the time of Christ’s birth this was the Capital City of China known as Chang’an.

    Only China and Korea make mention of seeing an unusual star in the sky. This happened in approximately 5 BC.

    Chinese travelled regularly West on the Silk Road and reached even Rome, where Silk was a big seller. Ironically some of the Roman men complained calling the Chinese silk decadent. The City of Damascus was a big intersection to the Silk Road. From Damascus it also went south to Egypt.

    At the time of Christ’s birth there were three high ranking officials under the Emperor Ai of Han (27-1 BC)

    1. Huan Tan, Official and philosopher (43 BC-28 AD)

    2. Liu Xin, later Liu Xiu, Astronomer, historian, and editor (46 BC-23 AD)

    3. Yang Xiong, an author (53 BC-18 AD)

    These three may have taken the trip, but it’s doubtful. They probably sent representatives. So to call them “Wise Men” would be proper, “Kings” not so much even though they were direct representatives of the Emperor. They would have been accompanied by traders and soldiers for protection. I found at the time that not only was China a major trader but they were developing a major think tank and studying other civilizations.

    Then I found something interesting concerning the 3 Wise Men of ancient Feng Shui known as Fuk Luk Sau These would have been brought to the Emperor.

    1. Fuk (Fook): Brings wealth or good fortune and harmony to the family

    2. Luk: Brings power, a high government official and holds the Ru Yi (scepter)

    3. Sau: Carries nector or a peach and a walking stick, stands for longevity

    (Note: They make statuettes of these characters to buy and bring harmony to the home, but they must be placed correctly)

    Here’s something else to think about. To escape Herod’s murderous squads Joseph, Mary, and Jesus may have journeyed to Eqypt with

    these travelers and so were protected from the killers, murderers, and thieves.

    Here is what Wikipedia has on the Magi:

  2. Were the Wise Men from China? What a great question. The sea and land routes (Silk Road) had been in place for some time and the sea route
    to the east side of Egypt, over to the Nile and
    then down to Alexandria would have been the easiest route in my opinion. This path would also have taken them right pass Oman, Somolia etc
    on the "Spice Road" where frankincense and myrrh
    originated and then was transferred and sold to the rest of the known world.
    Not knowing about the massive information obtained and written by Dr. Brent Laudau on this topic until today, on Dec. 16th 2011 I had written an article on the topic titled "Were The Wisemen of Bethlehem Han Dynasty Nobles From Weiyang Palace?" for my blog. Although my research doesn't belong on the same page with the years of research done by Dr. Landau I believe I do raise a couple of interesting points. One of those points is "Is it possible and does it not fit into the Biblical "contrast" context that the child born in this extremely humble place may have been honored in Bethlehem by royals of great wealth living in The Largest Palace In Human History (Weiyang).

  3. I don't think that the 3 Wise men were from China or any other country except Babylon.

    Read the story on the link below. I believe this would be the closest or if not the True place from which the wise men came from.

    1. Really, it took them over a year to reach Judea from Babylon? Yes they use a word commonly used of Babylonians, but they had no other words for strangers from such a strange land did they? I feel the age of Jesus about 1 to 2 years old at the time of their arrival is sufficient evidence that Babylon is not the origin of these wise men.

    2. Cannot be the 3 wise men from babylonians becouse they dont have 3 king at a time.but china have 3 king(3 kingdoms)

    3. Cannot be the 3 wise men from babylonians becouse they dont have 3 king at a time.but china have 3 king(3 kingdoms)

    4. Cannot be the 3 wise men from babylonians becouse they dont have 3 king at a time.but china have 3 king(3 kingdoms)

    5. Cannot be the 3 wise men from babylonians becouse they dont have 3 king at a time.but china have 3 king(3 kingdoms)

  4. I think it makes sense that the wise men were from China. The Han Dynasty (even more solidly established than the Roman Empire at this time), made many astronomic discoveries and observations. They were fascinated with the heavens and dedicated much time and study to them. They would have noticed the appearance of a new star. Also consider that the Bible did indeed say "from the East" and the fact that frankincense and myrrh would both come in from a Silk Road trade route (apparently one possible route is by sea, arriving in Somalia before going to Egypt, as Hendon stated above). Additionally, the Chinese utilized both of those resins in medicine and often used them together. I'd say the Han Chinese are indeed the best guess as to the identity of the wise kings.

    I find it amusing that the visitor to this site before me is in Pensacola, Florida. I'm assuming he/she's a PCC student. I'm from Liberty U, so this article seems to attract college students.

  5. Jesus was not born in Bethlehem, Judah by accident. There were/are specific reasons why anyone claiming to be the Messiah had to be born there. The fact that he was born in a barn in Bethlehem wasn't an accident either. Although not foretold as the exact city location had been, the barn as the location for His presentation to the world was specifically chosen as a symbol for all men for all time to understand that He was not given favored treatment. The entire story of Christ's birth in Bethlehem is a story of contrasts. Heavenly choirs broke the news from an exploding sky to a small group of (not so important) shepherds. A new"star" was somehow positioned to guide "the wise men" to the location where he was.
    These "wise men" had the technical skills and the knowledge to travel to that point which was a long way from their homeland. In keeping with the
    contrasts that abound around this event it's my opinion that it's quite likely
    that in addition to the shepherds who were one half of the recorded "welcoming visitors" for this birth that the other half were among the most
    learned, powerful, and richest men alive on earth at that time who resided in the largest palace in recorded human history, Weiyang Palace Chang' an China. Would it seriously surprise you if this had been arranged as just one more (never to be proven by mortals) contrast to emphasis the significance of this Transition by The Great I Am.

  6. No other civilization on Earth was more focused on the sky, constellations and stars than the Han Dynasty at the time of the "Star of Bethlehem".
    Google: "Seeing Stars in the Han Sky" by David W. Pankenier for a 19 page scholarly online article on the topic of the advanced Han Dynasty knowledge of astronomy. (None of the men mentioned in this my posting have a religious bias or any interest at all in religion as far as I know other than me. Their work is specifically current scientific knowledge on this topic) "...the complete scheme of stars and constellations mapped by (the ancient Chinese) authors is securely dated to the first century B.C. (that is, from about 70 B.C. to A.D. 74) page 198 "By the mid-first century the process of populating the heavens with constellations was completed.
    Tellingly, the entire sky is given over to the Chinese world, leaving the non-Chinese periphery virtually un-represented in the sky and astrologically significant only as a reflex of Chinese concerns, principally in military affairs." Page 199.
    Other scholarly works on this specific topic have also been recently written. This group includes "The Chinese Sky during the Han" by two PhDs. However, ancient Chinese advanced knowledge of scientific principles during the Han Dynasty was not limited to astronomy. Google:
    "Forward Intersection by Zilan Wang" for another scholarly article on the
    Han Dynasty use of advanced mathematics in mapping and surveying.

    The point I want to make here is that when the "Star of Bethlehem" appeared it was not a magic trick seen by just a few. It was a scientific
    event (with religious implications) seen by all those who were monitoring stellar events. No culture in the world is acknowledged to have been in a better position to have seen the Star appear and then to have reacted to it navigationally as a GPS (Global Positioning Satellite). For those of you who find this premise far fetched I ask you when was the last time you used your GPS to guide you to a destination. GPS can bring you to within a few feet of your target destination. Read these online articles and I believe that perhaps then you will become more convinced that it was astronomers from China using the Oceanic Silk Road, already 200 years in use, to pick up two of their three gifts for the Child at the entrance into the Red Sea on their way to Bethlehem. We have reason to believe that it took them significant time to arrive in Jerusalem from China because of the ages of the little boys in Bethlehem that King Herod ordered killed soon after his conversation with the Magi and the escape of Mary, Joseph and Jesus to Egypt using another route perhaps along with the Magi for protection. If my theory is correct this would not have been out of the way for the Wise Men because Alexandria, Eqypt is where they would have boarded their ship to return home.
    I would be especially thrilled if this story could be proven true. My father and grandfather with whom I share the same name spent the best years of their lives sharing their Christian faith with the Chinese people in China. This was their lives work. Today the Christian faith is reported to be thriving in Kaifeng, China and in the mountains of Taiwan the areas of my fathers' respective ministries. Google: "Hendon Harris China Christian Missionary Parents" for images of these remarkable men.

  7. The three wise men from China are given the title by Confucius known as the 'Three Mans of Virtue' later given god titles as Fu Lu Shou, they are all brothers and are also nephews of Confucius. Also they were around almost 1000 years before Jesus and Mohammad was born. The so called three wise men who visited Jesus are from Middle East, Not China..

  8. Whether or not the so called "Wise Men" or "Kings from the East" were from China (Weiyang Palace-Chang'an China-The Largest Palace Ever Erected in the History of Mankind) will most likely never be proven or known with an indisputable degree of certainty. However, it is an interesting concept to ponder. But then these "Wise Men" wherever they originated were simply part of the supporting cast of The Event.
    One thing is certain. The Virgin Mary played a principal role. She gave birth to a baby boy named Jesus. You love your mother. So does Jesus. He loved her then and
    He loves her now. During this holiday season and through the year I encourage you to listen to a song of appreciation
    to His mother Mary for her life and her part in the Christmas experience. Google: "Ave Maria" and listen to any one of these online tributes to her life and her participation in what happened in Bethlehem. In doing this I believe you will be encouraged and blessed.

  9. Were the Wise Men from the East actually Chinese royals from the Largest Palace in the history of mankind? That's the question? A growing number of us believe that is a strong possibility. It would not have taken the Wise Men from the East following the Star that appeared at Christ's birth two years to have traveled to Bethlehem from the Middle East. It is also interesting that two of the three gifts given by them originated at the mouth of the Red Sea in Somalia or Yemen where these spices originated. Is it possible that the third gift gold was used to support the family when they had to flee to Eqypt to protect Jesus from King Herod who wanted to kill him. Alexandria,
    Egypt would have been a likely place for the Wise Men to travel with baby Jesus and his family for two reasons. 1)
    If the Wise men had sailed to Alexandria, Egypt on their way to the port of Joppa in Israel on their way to Jerusalem and then on to Bethlehem just outside Jerusalem,
    then Alexandria would also have been the place they would have boarded their ship on their way back to China. That Silk Road sea route had been in place for at least two hundred years before Christ's birth. 2) Alexandria would have also been a most logical place for Jesus and His family as it is widely known that 1/3 of the residents of Alexandria at that time were Greek, 1/3 Arab and the final 1/3 were Jewish. (Check this our for yourself on the Internet for accuracy.)
    An interesting article has recently been written on precisely how poor the family was that Jesus was born into. His royal titles include Rose of Sharon, Lily of the Valley, Prince of Peace, Lord of Lords and finally King of Kings. That's impressive. Here's the contrast!
    We know that Jesus's earthly family was poor but how poor
    were that? The reason I mention this is to point out the contrast between Jesus' earthly and heavenly family and how that contrast could have been spotlighted once again by the arrival at his humble home in Bethlehem by the richest royals alive on earth at that time. Now that would be a Contrast along with all the others at His birth.
    An article has been written recently by a Jesuit priest named James Martin. You can get Internet access to his article by typing "A Tough Life In Nazareth" on your favorite Internet search engine. That was printed in the major Los Angeles newspaper on 12/21/2017. A follow up to
    his article was then written on 12/24/2018 under "A God Who was Born Poor by Korie Brown.

    Have a blessed Christmas Season remembering the Gift we have been given.

  10. Research Tengrism 2 See The Origin Of Christianity. It Starts In Asia Also !

    It Has a Heavenly Father And a Holy Spirit As Christianity !

    The Symbol? See Google !

  11. The ancient Chinese have recorded the star of Bethelaham and have written extensively on the significance of it. I am very intriqued by this. This is truely a divinely inspire writing and it is a testimony of God's mystery and his love for the human. Dr. Herb Kristen did a presentation piece in Youtube. Please take a look at it .

  12. Thanks be to God for His Unspeakable Gift.


  13. Just came upin this ludicrous theory, the Magi had nothig to do with China. Shir is not a Chinese word. Persians ans Africans and Indians had their silk predating and independent of the Chinese. So silk doesnt automatically refer to China and this is a bad bad tired old ignorant Association that needs to be stopped.

    Lastly there is no evidence that the Chinese travelled on the silk road routes West at all, even during the Tang dynasty phase which was the cosmopolitian dynasty in Chinese history. Even during this dynasty travel outside China was highly restricted, and China was a geographically isolated region that was historically very hard to reach. None of the setting and places of the bible have anything to do with ancient China and you can look up map of places of bible on google maps to see this confirmed.

  14. For unto us a child is born,
    Unto us a son is given
    And the government shall be upon His shoulder:
    And His name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor,
    The mighty God,
    The everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace.

    Isaiah 9:6

  15. What does Jehovah Jireh mean?
    "God Will Provide" (Genesis 22:14)
    He continues to Provide today.

  16. "For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved." John 3: 17 King James Version

  17. What level of society did God select to introduce His Only Begotten Son into as a baby? "Stone and Dung, Oil and Spit"
    by Jodi Magness

  18. Three times in a row Jesus asked Peter if he loved Him. Three times Peter answered "yes". Jesus' response each time was "Feed My Sheep" John 21:15-17
    "By this shall all men know that you
    are my disciples, if you have love one to another." John 13:35

    A love song to God writtern by my father, Dr, Hendon Harris, Jr. in 1955 Paoli, Indiana. This song was the finale of his The Last Supper (Passover) Cantata.

    For me my Lord was wounded,
    For me He suffered pain,
    By heartless foes surrounded,
    For me the Lamb was slain.

    So take my goods and lands,
    My selfish hopes and pride,
    And let me clasp the pierced hands,
    Which for me were crucified.

  20. Happy Easter April 9, 2023
    "I Love to Tell the Story - A Cappella- Chris Rupp"

  21. All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned everyone to his own way; And the LORD hath laid on Him the iniquity of us all. Isaiah 53:6

    Hallelujah! What a Savior!

  22. "The Church's ONE Foundation India Choir

  23. For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.
    II Corinthians 5:21

  24. And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. II Corinthians 12:9 KJV

  25. For the reason why ancient Chinese had a particularly high fixation on stellar anomalies.
    Google: "The Mandate of Heaven"

  26. God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.
    John 3:16

  27. "Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus" Fountainview Academy Choir

  28. For Whosoever Shall Call On The Name Of The Lord Shall Be Saved!
    How then shall they call on Him in whom they
    have not believed?
    And how shall they believe of whom they
    have not heard?
    And how shall they hear
    without a preacher? (((a witness?)))

    Romans 10: 13 & 14

  29. "Dead Men Tell No Tales" Rev. Billy Graham

  30. "Oxford Mathematician DESTROYS Atheism"
    "He Hideth My Soul - Besy Choir"

  31. "Oh How He Loves You & Me" Eddie James

  32. "All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name - Bishop Clarence E McClendon"

  33. His disciples asked Jesus, "Lord, teach us how to pray". These words were His response: Matthew 6: 9-13
    "The Lord's Prayer - Andrea Bocelli Philadelphia Pope Francis"

  34. "Oh, How I Love Jesus--piano instrumental hymn with lytics"

  35. "Holy, Holy, Holy First Baptist Church Dallas"

  36. *50 Countries Sing "Amazing Grace" ALL OVER THE WORLD*

  37. "Amazing Grace - Kaleb Brasee" Piano Instrumental With Lyrics

  38. "Why Me Lord--(Guy Penrod) Gaither Vocal Band"

  39. Today Wise Men Are Still Bringing Gifts to Jesus From China!
    Continue to Pray for The Church in China. Thank You.

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. "Great is Thy Faithfulness" Baptist Dallas Choir
    "Open the Eyes of My Heart" Christopher Duffley

  42. "The Supremacy of the Son of God"
    Colossians 1:15-20
    New International Version

  43. "The Hallelujah Chorus"

    Sydney Opera House

  44. "I Know That My Redeemer Liveth"
    From George Frideric Handel's "Messiah"
    Performed for the First Time April 13th, 1742

  45. "Science & Technology in Ancient and pre Modern China Made the Journeys to North America Possible"

  46. "Satelitte Imagery/ Chinese Discover"
    "The Harris Horse"

  47. "The Ching Bird's Head. The 10th Sun Raven? See Ancient Chinese Legend"

  48. "The Foolish Old Man Removes the Mountains" Ancient Chinese Legend

  49. "Church Rock-Cathedral in the Desert"
    "Wrapped Stupas Sri Lanka & Utah"

  50. "Fu Sang--The Last Wilderness" See most recent postings

  51. "We love Him, because He first loved us. ..................... And this commandment have we from Him, That he who loveth God love his brother also."
    1 John 4:19-21 King James Version

  52. "Time and Tide Wait for No Man" Old Proverb
    "What does it matter should a man gain the whole world and lose his soul."
    "I'd Rather Have Jesus" Sung by-
    George Beverly Shea
    His "ship" sailed--- April 16th 2013

  53. Gaither Vocal Band/"There's Something About That Name"/Gloria Gaither/At Home Version

  54. "Way Maker"- Harmonie London
    *Taking It To The Streets* " everyone who acknowledges me before men, I also will acknowledge before my Father who is in Heaven..... Matthew 10: 32-33 Praise God for bold witnesses

  55. The Blood Covenant: The KEY to Understanding the Bible- Dr.
    Jim Garlow
    Matthew 18:18 - 20 (Recommend you read the entire Chapter)

  56. "Now Behold the Precious Lamb of God-
    Chapelhill Church"

  57. "Jesus Paid It All--Kim Walker-Smith Worship Circle Hymns"

  58. "Be Still My Soul- Exultate Singers"

  59. Mark 8:36
    "For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?
    Mark 8:34-37

  60. "Jerusalem"- by the Hoppers and the Dallas Baptist Choir Choir"

  61. Is Forgiveness of Sin Possible??? Yes! God has provided The Way. "Jesus answered, I Am The Way, The Truth and The Life...... John 14:6"

  62. "There is a Name I Love to Hear" BestLovedHymns

  63. For Donations for Farsi Bibles for Iranian Christians Who Sincerely Need Them.
    Contact: Calvary Community Church
    Westlake Village, California
    Please pray for The Church in Iran.

  64. "Only A Holy God - Holy Holy Holy" Keith & Kristyn Getty/CityAlight

  65. "The Holy City" by Michael Lining &
    "NOW THANK WE ALL OUR GOD" by Michael Lining

  66. The Worldwide Body of Christian Believers Proclaims In Unified Chorus: "Thank You God For Jesus!" "Behold The Lamb of God!"

  67. "And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up:
    That whosoever believeth in him should not perish,
    but have eternal life" John 3:14-15

  68. "The Prayer-Brother Sister Duet -Incredible"

  69. "Dark Clouds, Deep Mercy:
    Discovering the Grace of Lament"
    by Mark Vroegop

  70. "BBC One- Songs of Praise- The UK's Favorite Hymn 12/07/2020"

  71. "Since Jesus Came Into My Heart/ Kingsley S"
    Happy Thanksgiving Season- Everyone

  72. "A Mighty Fortress is Our God/ Matt Boswell"

  73. "Is He Worthy? /Andrew Peterson
    Mandy Lining"

  74. This comment has been removed by the author.

  75. "But God Demonstrates His Own Love In This:
    While we were still sinners-
    Christ Died For Us." Romans 5:8

  76. "How Great Thou Art
    by Brothers of the Heart"
    What a Friend we have in Jesus!!!

  77. "For By Grace Are ye Saved Through Faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the Gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast. For we are His Workmanship, created in Christ
    Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them."
    Ephesians 2:8-10 King James Version

  78. "O Holy Night/ Sibling Cover"
    I'm sure their parents are proud. They should be.
    What a fabulous trio!

  79. "A Christmas Hallelujah- Cassandra Star & her sister Callahan"
    What a Gift!

  80. This comment has been removed by the author.

  81. "Kaifeng (China), Harrison Forman with companion and members of the Chinese-Jewish community."
    That companion is my Grandfather Rev. Hendon Harris in
    1938 China while serving there as a Christian missionary.

  82. "Google: Southern Baptist Missionary in 1938 Kaifeng, China
    Hendon Harris" Scroll down to the 1938 picture of then world famous photographer Harrison Forman with my grandfather &
    a Chinese-Jewish couple.

  83. "...And The Glory of the Lord ..." --Gramaphone Ghana

    "Hark, The Herald Angels Sing" ---Celtic Woman

  84. "For the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us"
    John 1:14

  85. My grandfather's in-laws ("William and Florence Powell") were also Christian missionaries with the Southern Baptist Church.
    They served in Mexico. Information on their contributions to
    The Cause of Christ is available on the Internet.

  86. Why have numerous men and women throughout the ages dedicated their lives to fulltime Christian service around the world? Because to them their message of God's Love for the World was More Important Than Anything Else.

  87. "Great is Thy Faithfulness/Austin Stone Worship"
    Dedicated to my sister Charlotte Harris Rees, Author
    This is her favorite hymn.

  88. *God's Christmas Gift to Us*
    Luke 2:11-14 KJV
    "For Unto You is born this day in the city of David a Savior,
    which is Christ The Lord ................"

  89. " 'Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus/ Acapeldridge"

  90. "I Have Not Forgotten" The Lining Family

  91. *Caleb, Grandma, Mandy and Michael Lining*
    What a wonderful intergenerational family of Christian
    witnesses declaring their faith in Christ Jesus. The above
    song has left an imprint on my heart. Thanks!

  92. "THE BLOOD COVERED IT ALL" The Detty Sisters

  93. This comment has been removed by the author.

  94. What must I do to be "Saved"?
    "How to Get to Heaven" by Billy Graham

    God's Love for us is beyond our ability to
    fully understand.

  95. "Worthy Is The Lamb - Agnus Dei (Medley)
    Sounds Like Reign"

  96. "Have I told you lately that I love you?" The Gaither Vocal Band

  97. "Could I Have This Dance" Anne Murray

  98. "The Road Not Taken"
    "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening"
    Poems by Robert Frost

  99. When our sister Lillian got married many years ago to Alan my
    brother John and I sang this song for them at their wedding:
    "Let It Be Me-- The Everly Brothers"

  100. "Chinese Discover Photos"

  101. "Morning Has Broken--Story behind the song & a close look at the lyrics--YouTube" Thank you Luke for your great posting.
    I heard this wonderful song for the first time in a morning
    assembly at King George Vth School in Hong Kong in 1963.
    This hymn has brought comfort and awe of God's creation to
    me my entire life.


  102. "This Could Be The Dawning of That Day!" - Signature Sound

  103. "Holy Highway- Gaither Vocal Band & Signature Sound"

  104. In recent past generations the quotes attributed to Jesus in the
    Holy Bible were "printed in red ink" to highlight their importance
    to the reader "Believe" by Brooks and Dunn

  105. "When I Survey The Wonderous Cross/God So Loved The World/
    Fountainview Academy"

  106. "Three Times A Lady //Gaither Vocal Band"

  107. This comment has been removed by the author.

  108. My sister, Lillian Harris Goulty, has had a profound impact on my life. Among numerous other things she has given me is a life long appreciation of poetry.
    One of my favorite poems was written by Thomas
    Gray in 1750. "Eulogy Written in a Country Churchyard" It's a long poem. This is how it ends. Enjoy
    ".............. No further seek his merits to disclose, or draw his frailities from their dread abode,
    (There they alike in trembling hope repose) The bosom of his Father and his God."

  109. "When I Survey The Wondrous Cross"--Fountainview Academy

  110. *An account of God's Love, Power and Mercy!**
    "The Inconvenient Law of the Medes and the Persians"

  111. "What Was I Made For??? Billie Eilish

  112. "For Good" Kristin Chenoweth & Idina Menzel

  113. "But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.
    Isaiah 40:31 "YouTube Hillson Worship -'Eagles Wings'"

  114. "I Wanna Grow Old With You- Westlife"

  115. "You Raise Me Up- Life in 3D"
    Thank You, Heavenly Father, For What You've Done For Us!

  116. "Gaither-Gentle Shepherd/ I Will Serve Thee"

  117. "The Hendon Harris Horse" In memory of my father's life's work.

  118. "Did the Wise Men Come from China? Daleinchina's Blog"

  119. "Singer Makes Judge Cry with Billie Eilish Cover on American
    Idol 2024"

  120. "What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have from God, and ye are not
    your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's."
    I Corinthians 6:19-20
    Thank you Alex Gonzales for recently reminding me of this.
    Have a blessed Palm Sunday Everyone. What a Friend we have in Jesus!

  121. "Gethsemane-Reese Oliveira" "Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends." John 15:13

  122. "I Will Sing The Wondrous Story- SE Samonte"

  123. "Church in the Wildwood/ Yodeling" &
    "The Church I Grew Up In/ Anna Golden"
    You Are Always Welcome at Church.

  124. "Courage, Endurance, Sacrifice: The Lives and Faith of Three Generations of Missionaries"
    This and other books by Charlotte Harris Rees.

  125. "School Days in Hong Kong/ Hendon Harris"

  126. The words of David (King of Israel) Psalm 19:14
    " Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
    be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my strength and my redeemer".

  127. "New Doxology (a capella)"
    Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow

  128. "How Beautiful Heaven Must Be! - Gaither"
    I pray I'll see you "at The House".

  129. "Softly and Tenderly / Carrie Underwood"

  130. "Gaither-How Beautiful Heaven Must Be-Youtube Premiere"
    This is a One Hour+ Special*
    If you don't hear the whole 70 minutes-View the last 5 minutes. You'll be glad you did!

  131. "Not Without Witness- Excerpts from our new "Shaanxi" book-Asia Harvest" "In bygone generations God allowed all nations to walk in their own ways. Nevertheless He did not leave Himself without witness" Acts 14:16-17

  132. "Comfort ye my people ....." Isaiah 40: 1-6
    *Be a cheerleader for God*

  133. Happy Mother's Day!
    "I Heard My Mother Call My Name in Prayer/pumpkins and music" Thank you mom.

  134. "When We All Get To Heaven /Bird Youmans"

  135. "To Live & Love Like Jesus"
    Calvary Community Church/Westlake
    Hallelujah! What A Savior!

  136. This comment has been removed by the author.

  137. "Beneath the Cross of Jesus"
    I fain would take my stand
    the shadow of a mighty Rock
    within a weary land;
    a home within the wilderness,
    a rest upon the way,
    from the burning of the noontide heat
    and the burning of the day. .... .... ....
    Written by: Elizabeth Cecilia Clephane
    She lived from June 18, 1830 to February 19,1869.
    Thank you for your contribution of Praise for Christ!

  138. "Beneath The Cross of Jesus /Kristyn Getty-March 18, 2022"

  139. "Praise to the Lord, The Almighty/ SovereignGraceMusic"

  140. "My Hope is Built on Nothing Less/ SovereignGraceMusic"

  141. "Satellite Imagery-Hendon Harris"
    "The Ching Bird's Head-Yahoo Search"
    "The Hendon Harris Horse"
    "The Henriette Mertz Collection of Geoglyphs"
    "The Gavin Menzie Antelope Head"
    and many many more.

  142. "Found People -- Find People
    Calvary Community Church- Westlake Village, Ca"

  143. "The Longest Journey BEGINS With The First Step"

  144. "My Jesus, I Love THEE /Darlene Zschech"
    'I Know THOU Art Mine!'
    'If ever I loved THEE, my JESUS is NOW.'

  145. "I Know A MAN Who Can/ Son Channel"

  146. "How Do I Love Thee: Elizabeth Barrett Browning- A Poem for Her Husband: Robert Browning Read by Dame Helen Mirren"

  147. "Tribute to the Nelons" Gaither Music TV
    "Make A Joyful Noise Unto the Lord, All The Earth"
    Psalm 98:4 & Psalm 100: 1-4

  148. "When Grandpa Sang Amazing Grace" The Nelon Family

  149. "Saved People - Serve People:
    Calvary Community Church- Westlake Village, California"

  150. "What A Beautiful Name! Hillsong Worship"

  151. "I Heard It FIRST On the Radio / The Nelon Family"

  152. If you are not presently attending church and would like to hear from ministers of the Gospel messages of God's Love for you: Google: "Calvary Community Church: Westlake Village, Calif./Sermons". If you can physically attend a local church in your specific area that is probably a better option. Either way if you're interested in finding out more about Christ Jesus get connected to a Bible believing church. I believe you'll be glad you did.
    Full Disclosure: I am making this recommendation on my own. I have no official connection with the above mentioned
    church and have not received their permission or approval to
    make this recommendation as I just have.

  153. "Incredible African kid singing Holy Forever gospel song on
    agt stage." What a wonderful witness for God!!!

  154. "Excuse Me-Are You Jesus?? / The Nelons"

  155. "If God Pulled Back The Curtain/ The Nelons"

    "Tribute to the Nelons/ Gaither Music TV"

  156. This comment has been removed by the author.

  157. "The White Cliffs of Dover-Dame Vera Lynn 1942" 3.39 Minutes
    3/20/1917 to /18/2020 103 years
    This same song was recorded by the Righteous Brothers.

  158. "Akkadian King?/"
    "Edward Vining/ Stalking Cougar"
    "The Futility of All Endeavors/ Ecclesiastes 1"
    "I met a traveller from an antique land who said ...."

  159. "What happened to all the lefty evangelicals?" by Randll Balmer
    L. A. Times OP-ED 12/11/2024

  160. This comment has been removed by the author.

  161. "Connections Between The Spanish Inquistion, The Renaissance ... / Hendon Harris" Use Yahoo

  162. Contributions of Ancient Chinese Scientists in Astronomy and Geography.
    Zhang Heng 1st & 2nd Century CE
    Pei Xiu 3rd Century CE
    Check these men and their accomplishments out for yourself
    on any major search engine site. This advanced level of technology was available in China just shortly after the birth of Christ.
    Zhang Heng & Ptolemy (Western Scientist) were both alive at
    the same time. Ptolemy lived in Alexandria, Eqypt. Zhang Heng lived in China. Although they were a long distance apart may have the younger Ptolemy traveled using the same Oceanic Silk Road route that the Wise Men used to travel to Bethlehem to honor the Christ Child just a short time
    earlier to travel to China to spend time with and learn from Zhang Heng? The reason I bring this question up is because of the incredible number of both detailed artistic and scientific interests that these two men had in common. Most people have either a scientific or an artistic leaning. These two men with a major age difference shared an incredible similar preference in a variety of major "earth changing" scientific interests but also artistic compositions and artistic discoveries as well. After Zhang Heng's death
    Ptolemy knew the answers to some extremely complex astrological questions. However, he was not able to explain the details on how he had arrived at those conclusions.
    "The Crime of Claudius Ptolemy' by Robert Russell Newton
    Wikipedia: "Zhang Heng" and "Ptolemy" (Coincidence or
    Possible Mentor/Mentee Connection?"

  163. *Thanks Be To God For HIS Unspeakable GIFT*

    "And this is the Sign to you:
    Ye shall find a babe wrapped in swaddling clothes,
    and lying in a manger." Luke 2:12

    For God so loved the world that He ......." John 3:16

  164. This comment has been removed by the author.

  165. "What Does Philippians 1:21 Mean? 'For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.' by Knowing Jesus"
    May you be blessed as I was/am from reading this 6 page article.

  166. "The White River Herald / China's Historical Isolation - Its Cultural and Economic Effects 9/19/2019"

  167. The above article was written by Christopher David Costanzo.
    Retired in 1991, he was a 25 year Senior Operations Officer with the CIA. You can get more information on him on Yahoo which you may need to use as well to access the above White River Herald article

  168. "Recorder / Ancient Chinese Drilling"
    'I find that human cultures have a tendency to exaggerate their own achievements, be it in the fields of arts, science, business or technology, and downplay, denigrate or downright dismiss those of other cultures. ..... '

  169. Zhou Man / Just Another of The Several Known Famous Chinese Admirals of 15th Century China* I mention this to
    demonstrate that just before China shut down in 1433-1434 CE China had a massive navy and had been sailing the open seas for centuries upon centuries.

  170. "Connections Between The Spanish Inquisition, The Renaissance, The European Age of Exploration and The Sudden Appearance of Maps in 15th Century Southern Europe"
    by Hendon Harris

  171. "Come to Me, all ye who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest" Matthew 11:28
    "Leaning on the Everlasting Arms / Acapeldridge"

  172. This comment has been removed by the author.

  173. "One Solitary Life / The John 10:10 Project Audio"
    *We Love Him because He First Loved Us and while We
    were yet sinners He Died For Us*

  174. Our Heavenly Father Hears our prayers and Knows the desires of our hearts. ......In all thy ways honor Him and He will direct your paths .... Proverbs 3:6
    "Proverbs 3 NKJV Audio Bible with Text"

  175. "The Beak of the 10th Sun Raven Still Glows" Yahoo / Bing

  176. 1) "Four Clues that Connect the Wise Men to China /Dale in China Blog"
    2)"Were the three wise men from China? Fr. Alexander Luce Smith"
    3)'Were The Wise Men of Bethlehem Han Dynasty Nobles From Weiyan Palace, China?"

  177. This comment has been removed by the author.

  178. " 'The Six Horses of Li Shi Min' & 'The Harris Horse' (What Do They Have in Common)"
    Although 6 of the 7 horses are vastly different in size from the
    largest 7th horse image they are ALL images of Tang Dynasty Style Chinese Horses carved a very long time ago.
