Thursday, December 30, 2010

An Amazon milestone

No, this post isn't about the ratings spike on Christmas Eve and Christmas (though that was great fun while it lasted). Rather, I've just received my first one-star review!

1.0 out of 5 stars A One Star Rating is Too High, December 28, 2010
This review is from: Revelation of the Magi: The Lost Tale of the Wise Men's Journey to Bethlehem (Hardcover)
I found this book to be terribly disappointing. This book is not for any serious student of the Bible or anyone seeking truth about the Magi. Fraught with all kinds of theological errors and discrepancies in its telling,the "Revelation" feels contrived and even fraudulent(i.e. the manuscript). Mr. Landau even states that "...there is nothing in "The Revelation of the Magi" that has filtered into the Christmas story that we know today...", yet he concludes that "The Revelation of the Magi" should be especially relevant to today's world because in this day of religious diversity, there is a "great deal of theological reflection on the place of Christianity among the world's religious traditions and that, according to the "Revelation", Christ appears to say there is room for religious diversity in His plan. Following Christ is a radical calling that, by Jesus's own words(John 14:6), denies that premise. Do we REALLY need to know about "The Revelation of the Magi"? I think not. If you want the indisputable truth, see this The Star of Bethlehem

Actually, I think the Revelation of the Magi would agree quite strongly with John 14:6.

And for clarification, when I post these sorts of negative comments, it's not out of self-pity or some related emotion. Instead, they make me genuinely pleased that people have reacted so strongly to my work. It would be much worse simply to be ignored.


  1. I guess since the RevMagi does not validate the New Testament account in every detail, we really don't need to know about it. So according to the reviewer an ancient text is valuable only to the extent that it affirms our religious belief. Hmm, seems like a dangerous path.

    Regarding my question on poetic aspects of RevMagi (meter etc), I should have paid more attention to chapter 30.

  2. Brent
    I think most people with an open mind agree that traditional Christianity has been overly affected by tradition, not a thorough understanding of scripture. That is, traditional Christian researchers start with their conclusion in mind before they begin their study. If it doesn't fit their views, it can't be true.

    I do not wish to paint too broadly here but I can't recall any traditional Christian researcher who did not started from that premise.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. The Bible was edited by the Founding Church Father's not by Jesus or his disciplines. Assuming we didn't need to know more about this story because THEY said so is a huge assumption, and you know what happens when you assume.

    I'm interested in the teachings and words of The Christ, not those men.

    The Founding Church Father's were not even prophets, unless you spell it differently (profits).

    The Christ is a universal force that existed far before the birth of the corporeal Jesus. That's why all the prophets in the bible went to heaven BEFORE Jesus was born AND they were Jews NOT Christians.

    The Christ is a force accessible to all of ANY religion! The bible is a clear depiction of that, since none of the prophets were Christian. These men existed LONG before the birth of Jesus and were doing God's work.

    God is beyond the constraints of our earth based religions, God is infinite!

  5. This is very interesting book I looking forward to reading. The fact that the magi were mystics and draw from the dimensions of the Christ from the heavenly perspective and the Earthly fascinate me this also coincides with the apostle thomas how He related with the Messiah before the cross and after the resurrection. Thomas Is the twin who lives from two dimensions.
    Look forward to getting a copy for kindle
